In dit Wereldbank rapport wordt een mondiaal en specifiek overzicht gegeven over de belangrijkste CO2-beprijzingsinitiatieven over de wereld. De meeste informatie gaat over CO2-heffing en CO2-belasting en geeft weer hoe in landen en regio’s werk wordt gemaakt van het invoeren van een CO2-prijs.

Each year, we at the World Bank prepare this report to update readers on the developments in carbon pricing around the world. In this year’s report we also look at the role and use of crediting mechanisms. Over recent years, there has been a surge of public and private interest in carbon credits as part of a broader decarbonization portfolio. Countries are increasingly pairing their domestic carbon taxes and carbon markets with a crediting mechanism to stimulate action and investments in certain sectors, while giving governments and businesses some flexibility in tackling emissions in hard to abate sectors. Companies are also purchasing
credits on the voluntary market in line with growing investor and consumer awareness of climate action.

Internationally, credits will also play a key role in reducing emissions from airlines with the international aviation offset scheme – CORSIA – coming into effect this year. However, robust standards are critical to ensuring these credits have environmental integrity. The World Bank is committed to supporting countries as they assess and put carbon pricing policies in place. A well-designed carbon price embedded in a broader package of climate, energy and development policies and measures remains critical to solving the climate challenge and advancing the achievement of sustainable development aspirations.